Directed by Aliki Tsakoumi
Fiction, 7 ΄, 2017
Ifigenia’s body after her death ceased to belong to her.

The After Life
Directed by Christos Sagias
Fiction, 17 ΄, 2017
Michalis, unable to accept the loss of his wife, keeps cooking every day for two, in an attempt to keep her memory alive. Despite the efforts of his friend Vassilis, he remains locked in his house and his cooking routine. One day, life catches up with him in the most unexpected way.

Directed by Yannis Zafiris
Fiction, 7’. 2017
A road, a family, a visit.

The Ticket
Directed by Haris Stathopoulos
Fiction, 17’. 2016
We follow the course of a ticket for Public Transportation as it passes from hand to hand. Each person that holds the ticket carries his own story and a social problem as well. A social recording of the Greek crisis.

Directed by Despoina Kourti
Fiction, 16’. 2017
Ourania is a middle-aged woman who has neglected herself. An unknown young man who suddenly appears in her life will help her rediscover her feminine nature.

Directed by Zeta Spyraki
Fiction, 18’. 2016
Our story is set in Andros, known for its Meltemia, the unexpected, strong Cycladic winds. On Good Friday, Polyxeni, a 70year-old mother, grandmother and widow mysteriously disappears. Relatives and the local society are looking for her, anxious about her health and judgment, without knowing about her secret appointment: an appointment that has been waiting for 48 years.

Maniera Greca
Directed by Kirineos Papadimatos
Fiction, 13 ΄, 2017
As dawn is approaching, the few clients left at a Greek night club are clapping out of habit for the opening singer while she finishes her appearance with a long “goodnight”. Nobody could have guessed what would happen when the leading star of the night program, the famous singer Koureas, begins to perform his new hit, a zeibekiko song called “The Bearded Man”.

My Mother, the Tobacco Grower
Directed by Stathis Galazoulas
Documentary, 21’, 2016
My grandmother Chrisoula had worked in tobacco fields since childhood. In December 2014 she went along with my brother Chris to watch a play about the history of tobacco in the city of Agrinio. Thus, a recursion is set in order to bring that forgotten era back to memory and make its residents reminisce about the city’s past.

Hearts for Dinner
Directed by Renee Koutoula
Fiction, 20’. 2017
Antigoni, an immigrant to a small Greek village, works as a housekeeper for her cousin. One day she is assigned to cook artichokes for her cousin‘s guests. This ends up to be harder than it seemed and makes her reevaluate life.

Directed by Konstantinos Xenakis
Fiction, 6’. 2017
A mother cleans her house while waiting for her son to return from an anarchists’ protest in a short story that, according to the director, draws from the political turmoil of Greece in order to speak about the men and women influenced by it. It has more to do about the people that stay in the sidelines, rather than the ones that participate

Directed by Avrilios Karakostas
Fiction, 13’. 2016
Missing her will take him to a journey. He will cross by foot the place they met and lived, so that in a way he can see her again.

Directed by Themis Katsimihas
Fiction, 10’. 2017
A couple that was never separated, during the three most important moments of their lives: when they met, at the peak of their love and when one of them dies.
We may be born and die alone, but love can create a feeling of togetherness. Love is the voice in all silence, the hope that withstands fear. It never dies because it exists outside the boundaries of time.

Directed by Kostas Bakouris
Fiction, 19΄, 2017
Heimlich is homely. Paris lives in an unhomely home. Serena wants a home, in a place you wouldn’t exactly call Paris. They drink. They talk. They merge. In water, beer and memory. A frog leaps. Strange. Stranger. Unhomely. Unheimlich. Stranger than home.

Directed by Elvina Botonaki
Fiction, 28’. 2017
A timeless reading of the woman’s oppressed position and the expression of its sexuality, located in a small village of Crete under the name of Erfi. It is under investigation the point where the traumatic past and the submissive present fall out with the primordial craving for the familiar: the known, trivial, tyrannical patriarchy.

Directed by Giannis Haritidis
Fiction, 22’. 2017
In a few days, Minas is going to participate in the tv show “Talent of the year”. He must win to fulfill his dreams. What’s his talent? He is a cowboy. In Athens.
A tv crew follows the 47year old man in his everyday life interviewing him and his closest people until the big day.